Thursday, May 27, 2010

The work begins...

1 Corinthians 3:13
Each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done.

Well everyone, I’ve finally made it through the first week, despite travel complications and an intense first few days of orientation I have survived, mostly. I’m staying with a family who is involved in Colchester Baptist Church; they are really amazing and have been so welcoming to me! Colchester Baptist is where EMI’s office is in downtown Colchester, I’ve posted a picture above. I have a beautiful room all to myself where a window lets in light during the morning and there are almost ALWAYS birds chirping! Its too perfect. I wake up each morning and walk to the bus stop just at the edge of the neighborhood where I take the number 2 downtown. Once there I walk through the pedestrian only streets which are so lively and teaming with people. Small shops everywhere, fresh fruit, pastry shops, pubs (of course) and old churches. It really is so... English, and lovely. People in America should really take lessons from the English on walking and biking places (a short walk is almost 2 miles :o).

We’ve been getting to know each other as a team this past week and after sharing dinner a few nights ago we shared testimonies, a highlight of the trip so far. It was amazing to see how God has brought each of us together to EMI. I know that this summer will be a time to learn, to listen to God’s calling on my life and to learn from what he has to teach me. Please pray for me!

On to a more unfortunate matter; I’ve fallen pretty ill since Saturday after lunch, I’ve stayed up in my room sleeping most of the time without much energy to eat for a few days. I must have caught a nasty bug of some sorts with all that crazy travel (for those of you who didn't read my previous post after flying out of O’hare we had to turn back for a medical emergency before we arrived in Charlotte where we were stranded for three days due to the Volcano in order to finally fly to philly to Paris then round to London). So yesterday was my first day of work since I couldn’t go in for the first couple.

The English really REALLY love there tea… it seems cliché but it is absolutely true.
It’s not uncommon to walk through a door and almost directly be handed a cup of tea, I had roughly 5 cups on one of my first days here! I had the opportunity to serve in a ministry called Open Door which “sells” tea and coffee for 10 p (about 15 cents). You all should have seen me trying to make change with all of the confusing coins that the UK uses, it's ridiculous! They all have the same old lady on them! How am I to tell the difference? Anyway, it’s an amazing ministry where people often homeless or impaired in some way can come and sit almost all day if they like and drink tea. I loved talking to the people and being able to serve them alongside the others I was working with. My mission this summer is more than just to build a school in Liberia but to bless and encourage others around me in such a way that brings glory to God wherever I go. Open door operates 3 days a week providing food and tea and coffee at prices that homeless people can afford! What a great idea! This is what church should look like.

That’s all for now, sorry about the inconsistency of my writing things have been a whirlwind but I finally am starting to feel at home here in Colchester! I hope to go to London this Saturday and have a look round’. Right then, cheerio.

My lovely room in Colchester

Monday, May 17, 2010

“I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the Lord sustained me.” Psalm 4:5

Summer has begun, and has surprised me at every turn. I finished my last final around 9 PM on Friday and quickly packed up and left for home the next morning. I loved seeing my family and spending some time together before leaving for England. Upon arrival in O’Hare everything went smoothly and I watched as Chicago disappeared from view. However, only 15 minutes into the flight a flight attendant informed us of a medical emergency, calling for doctor on board to help if possible. I’d seen this sort of thing in movies and immediately began to pray I was amazed to see three different bibles open up just within my row! The captain decided to turn the plain around so the man could be attended to by paramedics. I still don’t know what happened to him or how he is doing now but please keep him in your prayers. After this we stayed on the plane and took off once more, it became apparent I would miss my connecting flight to London. Once I got off the plane I heard from the other intern Tim, who was also in Charlotte that the London flight had been delayed then cancelled due to the ash cloud from the volcano Eyjafjallajokull. At this point God kept our spirits high even though we pointlessly waited in a line for 3 hours only to be told the airport would not book anymore flights that night. During this time however by making some calls we found out the next flight available to England was ten days away, not taking that for an answer we explored other options, eventually finding a flight from Charlotte to Philly on Wednesday and then a flight from Philly to Paris followed by a flight from Paris to London. US Airways has not been able to pay for our rooms here or the flight from Paris to London so it’s been tough to stomach some of the extra costs but God has provided for me so much so far and I know he will continue to do so! If you are still able to contribute in any way to my trip I encourage you to do so.

So, here I am in a hotel room near the Charlotte airport, catching up on sleep and continuing to pray that we can actually make it to England! I realize now that God knew this would happen, he also knew how stressful it would be leaving immediately after finals and so, I believe he’s given me this time to prepare my heart for this summer, to pray and read the word and praise him for his faithfulness in my life! I’ve had moments of discouragement and I am missing home but I know that I am not alone, my comfort and strength is with me! That is why Psalm 4:5 has been on my heart today: “I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the Lord sustained me.”

Last but not least I need your prayers, taking three different flights to get to England will be a pretty complicated matter and so please be in prayer for no delays or baggage mix ups as well as smooth sailing through customs in both France and England.
