Cheerio from across the pond!
I’ve been back for a while and thing are back in full swing. I’m working Monday through Friday in the EMI office here in Colchester working on project drawings, renderings, the funding brochure and whatever else is needed. Please be in prayer for our work as we have what seems like a mountain to climb before August 6th when we leave. I’ve really enjoyed continuing to help out with open door, to be able to interact with the people here in Colchester, people whose lives have been harder than I could imagine. It’s hard to see how broken many of them are, but also amazing to see they still have hope, some more than others, some on a better track than others. I’ve also learned a lot about how mental illness is a really devastating thing, someone who had lived a completely normal life could lose it all and become homeless all because of a simple accident that caused brain damage. God is working here. God is showing me how to love people, people who may always let you down, people who many would say are a lost cause. There is no such thing as a lost cause to Christ and so, no matter their story or their sin (because, let’s be honest we are all sinners), I can only listen love and serve them tea.
AFRICAN DREAM ACADEMY 3d VIDEO. This is a link for a video of the work we’ve done so far, it's an entire view of the site and long term vision. The dream of African Dream Academy is huge, but it is to be built in sustainable phases, first with the housing for orphans and the school. This project is something which would create opportunities for children which simply don’t exist at all in Liberia. African Dream Academy runs off the principle that children in Liberia deserve the same opportunities as children elsewhere. Imagine creating more than just a school out of mud and thatch but creating a school that lasts, where students have their own desk, books and a library to study in, playgrounds, assembly and worship spaces, music rooms, science labs and even a computer lab. Schools like these are few and far between in Africa, and almost never made available for orphans and poorer children yet, with the help of EMI and other donors this school can be a reality.
Since being back there are so many memories and stories I wish I could tell all of you. I’ll start with telling you about something I’ve been learning lately. I want to encourage each of you to live with an ambition. Not the kind of ambition which includes a large paycheck, perfect grades or a better car but, the kind of ambition which offers more than anything you could imagine. In Romans 15 Paul talks about his life’s ambition: to go and tell people about the love of Christ where it has not been known before. His ambition was his joy, even if it ended him in prison, beaten or worse. He literally could not rest in one place, could not help but speak of his passion because he knew so clearly his call: to go. I want all of you to remember that you each have a call to go, it may not be to go across the world but it is still a call to love, to live for more than your own personal gain, to live in a way so opposite than everything the world tells us that people stop and stare. Be one who seeks attention not by the kinds of things you wear, the vocabulary you use, the jokes you can tell or any other empty thing, seek attention for God by the way you love, how you react when you are wronged, how you reach out to the homeless, the mentally ill, the orphan, the depressed, the sick, the broken. How you reach out to one another.
Pray for me as I am feeling a resistance of sorts lately, pray for God to break down barriers
Pray for the EMI staff here in the UK, we have all been tested in different ways this summer, some more than others.
Pray for continued opportunities to share the gospel and encourage the body of Christ while I am here in England. I volunteer with Open Door on Wednesdays, so if you could, remember me on Wednesdays!
Romans 15:30,33 "I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf,"... "May the God of peace be with you all. Amen."