Saturday, March 27, 2010

Summer in England and Liberia!

As some of you know, and some of you don't, I'm going to be going into short term missions this summer with Engineering Ministries International. I'll be gone the whole summer, leaving for England May 15th and returning just a little over a week before I need to be back for school on August 7th. While in England I'll be an intern working on creating a Master plan for ABC Christian Academy in Liberia. I'll also be taking a project trip with a group for two weeks to the site in Liberia to better understand the site and know how to serve and lay out the plan. I'll be using this blog to update you on fund raising, how the trip is going, and to let you know about prayer requests!

Fundraising: Since I've just begun $250 dollars, has been donated. The amazing thing is that that is from one person! God likes to exceed my expectations it seems.

Trip update: I’ll be leaving the 15th of May, which is the day after my last final the 14th, so I’ll be leaving very quickly. I’m in the process of filling out paper work and will need to be getting a lot of shots, which also cost money so Lord willing we can find a way to get them cheap

Prayer Requests: That fundraising will continue to progress and that as others read my support letters and my story they would join in prayer with me for Gods work to be accomplished this summer. Also that God would be preparing me for this task and training me and that I would be faithful and listen to his teaching.

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